We went shopping today, at Micheal's Art and Craft. With both kids in tow. Nathan, now 4 months old, is recovering from a 24 hour fever. Also Richard and I are recovering from a sleepless night. Juliana did great, and picked out Cheetah print tape! I bought 10 8x10 canvases for my new Etsy shop. It's http://www.etsy.com/shop/ltarap13.
Here are some blank canvases, I'm hoping to have painted soon. I got as far as gesso-ing 5 of them. And organizing paints that my friend April gave me. They used to be her mother Phyllis's. Let's see if April reads this, too.
Disorganization of Phyllis's paints. I re-arranged them. Dont worry they are (mostly) organized again.
New colors, new gesso, and some glitter too: